Sunday I went to the Australia Day event in Sunndalsøra, about 90 minutes drive east of where I live. Git a ride with another geocacher because I had no car this week. On the way we did some stops to find geocaches. As i own most of the caches, it was more like a maintenance tour for me. But I got some caches that need a little bit of work, replacement or maybe be archived.
Beautiful weather (at least on the tour to the event, on the way back we got snow).

But I also found some caches I didn’t had found before. And by good planning I managed to get to the event with 899 found caches. So the event was my cache no. 900. Next step is 1000. Hope to get there this year.
The event was small, but great. 4 people, nice pavlova cake and some grilled sausages. But cold. I like the events in spring and summer more.