Waking up, the weather is not very nice. So lucky i did the long tour yesterday. Breakfast first and then I take off to get to know the small capital of the Faeroe Islands (they claim it to be the smallest capital in the world).

First I thought to take a tour to the tourist information. Omg… never had someone as unwillingly to help or uniformed as the guy there. Maybe not the best choice of employee for this kind of job. 😀 Better of with the internet. Starting in the harbor with a geocache that makes me search for places in the city. “WhereIGo” caches are a nice way to get around in places you don’t know.
After taking a look at all the important buildings in the city (parliament, cathedral etc.) I decide to go for a walk. Found a small park close to the shopping center. Must be nice in good weather. Not that I have any sunshine today. Best to warm up and buy something to drink at the supermarket.

Torshavn has 5 city bus lines that take you around for free. This is a great offer for everybody. I make use of it to see a little bit of the outer parts of the city. Some nice older houses and some quiet crappy ones. The people don’t seem to put a lot of effort in maintaining their houses. Which is quiet understandable when you think about the weather and climate here.
A short tour back to the hotel, to get dry clothes and to recharge my mobile phone. Back out to take a look at the old fortress close to the hotel and after that going to the “old town” where the government has all the offices.

The day is concluded with a tour the the swimming pool and a pizza before I conclude the day at the hotel room with some reading. Tomorrow will be a travel day.