Last day in Paris

One last day in Paris. Getting up early to get a french breakfeast. Hopping onto a train, getting of a place, changing to another train and getting out where many get out (a nice way to explore a city). Found a nice bakery and bought a Croissant and a Cafe au lait, sitting on the…

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Raindrops keep falling on my head…

After leaving the Eiffel Tower, the weather got very anoying. My plan was to get to La Defense which is a newer businiess area and should have been a good opportunity to take some photos. Unfortunately, it was raining, and raining, and raining. When I got there, I took a look around, but escaped into…

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Today I wanted to be a real tourist again and visit the Eiffel Tower. As I was told yesterday, standing in line is on thing you have to be prepared to do. But coming early might get you a chance to get in faster. The information I got was, that the tower opens at 9…

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Keep walking…

Not that the fitst day was over. Far from it. To get most out of the long weekend I booked another tour with Sandemanns – the Montmartre Tour. Meetin at 18:00 opposit to the Moulin Rouge – there were some “few” tourists around. The group was large and Onno from the Netherlands was difficult to understand…

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I’m melting away…

First day in Paris. Great weather. Meeting for the collective walk to the starting point of the Sandemanns Free Paris walk. A little bit of tube-hopping and at Saint Michele there were quiet a lot of people. Our guide was Nancy from the UK that did a great job walking us around the main sights…

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Interesting airport – terminal one is round with a lot of funny escalators. Priority luggage means it comes out last… That is why you pay extra. But bothing to complain… Got sparkling vine and Barcardi Cola on the plane – plus some food. Then you are confromted with a language that is fairly unknown to me….

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Up up and away

And now it has begun. On my way to Paris. Enjoying the waiting in the SAS Lounge at Oslo airport Gardermoen wirh sole food, drinks and quietness… In Paris 19:30 and hope to get to the hostel not too late. The day tomorrow will start with a walking tour theough Paris and an evenig walking…

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Upgraded flight with Optiontown

Somtimes I like to try to get a little bit more comfortable on my tours. For the trip to Paris, I tried to get upgrades to business class with Optiontown.     They offer the possibility to upgrade your flight (for some airlines – SAS is one of them) for a fee that mostly will be…

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I’m on 500px

I’f you doen’t want to search for pictures I might or might not have uploaded – go to my own page on 500px. They have an application for wordpress, but I don’t like it that much. So try the real thing… The link is Enjoy!

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Bicycle tour to Julnest

Doing a short (20 km) bicycle tour from home to Julneset which is a recreational area west of the city. A nice ride on good bicycle lanes. Warm weather – the sun is actually shining. Will do some sauna and hot tub on my way back at Moldebadet. Hipe you enjoy your Sunday!

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