After a night that was shorter than I wished for, i wake up with a headache. What a great start in the day. Breakfast at the hotel at 7:30 am (I am the first on a Sunday – understandable) and I hit the road at 8 am.
My first stop is the Sør-Trøndelag rundt challenge cache, which is the reason for my madness this week. A little bit outside of Trondheim I make a fast discovery of the small PETling and sign the logbook, before finishing the cache. Just to make sure that is done. It takes 4 hours to get here from Molde.
Next stopp i Nord-Trøndelag and my 3rd Norgesboks. That one is located in Verdal municipality. The cache is located near the place where the Battel of Stiklestad took place. This is the place where Olaf II was killed in 1030 who later became Olaf the saint (the eternal king of Norway). I love the landscape in this area. Just what I like. Some beautiful hills, forests, but no high mountains.

Non-stop til Steinkjer, the second and last Norgesboks on my list. North of the city is the area of Egge, which has some viking history. Not reading the cache description properly, I park on the lowest point of the road and walk up the hill, only to find out that there was a parking lot on top. Exercise is Ok, but not when you have a little bit of pressure with the time. Fast find and back to the car.
Now I start to reenter the county of Sør-Trøndelag from the north. There are not many people living here. The area doesn’t even have full internet coverage – which is quiet a bummer when you need to get the cache information from the internet on your phone… But one always finds some spots with a signal. Just search for it.

And back to the car. Osen, Åfjord, Rissa (this cache costs me 150 NOK for some bloody toll road in the middle of nowhere), Bjugn and Ørland municipality. The only ferry I have to take in Sør-Trøndelag gives me the chance to take a small break. This county is paved with toll roads. You can hear your bank account crying. The ferry cots extra of course…

Entering Agdenes municipality. Just three again, but I am not sure if I want to do all three of them. The last two are island which only can be accessed on one road and I would have to g back the same way. Getting to Snillfjord municipality and again there is toll to be payed – which also counts for the island. That’s the decision taken away from me. i payed, so I will go. A lot of long tunnels (the last two caches are tunnel caches at the exit both on Hitra and on Frøya) and winding roads. Get them, turn around and drive home. The last cache is logged at 7 pm on Frøya.
I DID IT! 🙂 Now I just have to get home.
Direct route to Halsa ferry to go over to Kanestraum and for once I am lucky with this ferry and catch it with 10 minutes to spare. otherwise you have to wait for 1 hour for the next one. Leaving the ferry I get rewarded with a fantastic sunset. Many cars stop to take pictures.

Now it is just home, where I arrive at about 11:30 pm.
The weekend is over, I drove 1530 km, 28 municipalities, 30 hours spent in the car/caching, managed to finish the challenge, found 4 Norgesbokser and nearly 50 new caches which gets me to over 700 finds so long. I am so tired, but it was worth it. I saw a lot of the region I did’t know from before. Would I do it again? I don’t think in the same way I did this one. But who knows… Maybe the madness gets me again in the future.