Wednesday, April 11 2018
Happy birthday to me. 🙂 Today is a lazy day with nothing big planned at all. First things first – get into the city to find something nice for breakfast. The night has been cold. My host even send me a message to give me an extra duvet. Not needed, it was not that cold in the room.
The apartment is 15 minutes walk from the city center. A nice walk. The weather is perfect compared to yesterday. Blue sky but cold. I have to walk through some commercial areas until I get to the main street – Bridge street. The typical city center I hae ssen all over New Zealand. But some side streets have trees and that elevates the whol thing a lot.

I find a Swedish bakery and I just have to have breakfast there. 🙂 Cinnamon bun, croissant and a flat white coffee. Very nice. As I have lost my power bank I have to get a replacement. A local mobile shop sends me to a small electronics store where I get a 6000 mAh power bank for double the money I would pay at home. But it is needed.

At 10:15 I have an appointment for a massage at MiGym. Found good reviews online and thought 60 minutes of a relaxing massage could be a nice thing on my birthday. After filling out the form I get a talk with the therapist about areas where I have problems and then she starts. On ehoure is over very fast and she concentrated on my lower back and my shoulders and found some nice knots there. Feels better now – until I am back at work. Got even some tips about how to stretch inbetween at work. Was great and a reasonable price.
Lunsh at a Burger shop with great chicken wings (jalapenos and lime). Spicy nut good. And a great chocolate milkshake.

Now some more exploring of the city. After findeing a small geocache in the center I make my way to the cathedral. Not the nicest building but a lot of history around which I have to read to get all the informastion for the virtual cache. A nice walk around the cathedral that is situated on a small hill overlooking the city.

After some time and A break the information i gathered and the answers send in. Get a fast reply of the owner that it is accepted and he is looking forward to my event in the evening.
I do some more walking through the city. They have good bicycle lanes – should have thought about renting one – but 3 bis parking lots in the center take a lot of unnessessary space.

The tourist information is at the banks of the Maitai river and I get some tips about where to go with a few hours to spend. I make a detour to find some more caches and then stroll along the river towards the Queens garden. A nice park to take a walk in. Sitting a little bit down and enjoy the quiet moment before I have to get going to get to ANZAC park on the other side of the city center.

I run into a group of people starting a Pokemon raid and I spontainously join in an win. 🙂 Not used that app for a long time.
Have to buy a new notebook for the event log because the original one is at home and I wouldn’t get back in time.
The event was great (see own blog entry) and I conclude the evening at a small Chinese restaurant, which I was a little bit skeptic about, but several locals went in so I tried. Only a few tables upstairs (more a takeaway kind of restaurant) but the food was tasty and not expensive.
The only thing left to do is to get home where I end the evening with updating my blog.