13.08.2022 – GeoWoodstock in Abbotsford (BC)
The morning of the Geowoodstock event. We started of with breakfast in the diner connected to, but not part of the hotel. Pancakes for breakfast and a cinnamon bun. I totally underestimated the portion sizes they do in North America. You could feed an army with the amount of food. I didn’t manage to eat it all. 🙂 So doggy-bag for later!

Driving to the event ground in he north of Abbotsford. Abbotsford Exhibition Park. We got VIP parking (payed for that) close to the entrance. First things first, get registered and all the stuff you got with your order. T-Shirt, Geocoin, TB, Pathtag, food voucher etc. Very well organized here. Everything goes smooth. Delivering all the TBs that I took with me from Europe. Many boxes here for TBs to travel all around the world. Definitely will take some with me at the end of the event.
Next is the opening. Canadians are very aware of the First Nations that owned the land before the Europeans took it, so the opening was a welcome ritual from the local tribe. Amazing!
There is so much to do. Of course we go in line for the Maze – a special type of cache. Unfortunately, the organizers of the event have not thought about the brutal, high temperatures and there was only one water fountain somewhere at the event grounds, but not where it should have been. So standing in line for a long time, in a building that keeps the warmth is not ideal. Managed to point it out and some volunteers got some water and chairs for people who needed it. The Maze itself was not that good. And I had done it before in Prague, but there are some codes to scan, a logbook to sign and a maze to log. So that is reason enough.
I had to take the mandatory pic with Signal the Frog and then shopping! There are a lot of stands, offering stuff for Geocachers. Tags, coins, equipment for caches… I left with some stuff. Yeah… who can say no? And I had to do an intro for a geocaching podcast in Norwegian and German – Norwegian went easier than German… my bad.^^
Lunch was a pulled pork thing which was good. Signed the Event-logbook (a big Maple leaf) and Karen was sporty crawling under a fence.
But that was what was happening in the area, the rest of the day is invading the city to log as many caches as possible. And that we did. Walking, driving, meeting cachers from everywhere. A great day (even in the heat).
And then – after the feet where done, the Calgary cachers came together in a pub for the conclusion of a long day of caching.
But it was not over yet. There was the midnight madness – a event after the event late in the evening, which you also have to log of course. So once back to the event ground before it was time to get back to the hotel.