Another adventure waiting. After the fantastic trip to Copenhagen last year, a new tour around the same time this year. This will most likely be something we do each Pentecost.

But this time we fly to another place. East towards Ukraine and its capital Kiev. We wanted to do something special with great experiences. So it is not just an coincidence that the reactor of Chernobyl is not far away from the city.

We will stay at the Hotel Khreschatyk (Link) right in the center of the city. The hotel looks very nice and compared with the prices in Norway it is quiet cheap.

Then there will be the day trip to Chernobyl of course. That will be a once in a lifetime tour. Camera is a must and there is one geocache I have to log.

Our flight will be from Ålesund to Amsterdam with KLM and then from Amsterdam to Kiev with Ukraine International Airlines. New airline, new airport and new country, If the trip gets only half as good as the last one it will be a blast. There will be more on this blog later.

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