Waking up after a good nights sleep. The pain in the foot is much better. Outside the rain is hitting the window and lightning is followed by thunder. How I love rain… not! You just want to stay in bed.
OK, some breakfast which is included in the booking. Sweet cereals, toast and jelly. Not the most monumental breakfast, but better than nothing. But what to do today?.I had planned on an architecture walk at 10 – one of the free walking tours I like to do. But the weather is just to bad for that.
A little bit of research on the net brings me to the museum of contemporary photography downtown. Just a place to stay. I like photography, this is an inside activity and it is free to visit. Perfect place to go.

This time I take the 36 bus close to the hostel that stops very close to the museum and in the middle of Chicago. Why didn’t I buy an umbrella? But the jacket is keeping the water out. Very happy with it. At the museum I have to leave my backpack. Two exhibitions going on. One about the civil rights movement of 1963, the other about housing in a part of the city where a railway company does an urban development program. The artist made a 90 minute video about the changes in the community. How can you show such a film to a city planner? I had to go after some time… 90 minutes was way to much, but it was very interesting. 🙂

Still raining outside. Going through the Loop to get an el and a bus to my next indoor activity – cinema. Wanted to watch Avengers – Endgame. Found a nice cinema a little bit north of downtown. The only show that has acceptable seats is 100 minutes later. Time to get lunch. With the help of Yelp I find the Pequod’s Pizzeria just across the street. No way to visit Chicago without a deep dish pizza. As I find out later it is the said to be the best deep dish pizza and a place all the locals go. Normally up to 90 minutes wait for a table and up to 45 minutes to get the pizza. I am lucky. A seat for me at once and the pizza takes only 20 minutes. The smallest one is extremely filling. One filling to much, I think. Butt very good. Just the drink tastes of chlorine… Chicago’s water…

The film was 3 hours (I didn’t check before), and the seating was amazing. Large chairs, that had a recliner function and an automatic feet rest that came up. Very comfy!

After cinema a short walk to ALDI – just had to check what they do in the USA. Same same… just other products. Just bought some fruit and jam for breakfast. Taking an Uber Pool back to the hostel. Easiest way to go.
Ending the day with some series.