Waking up to a rainy day. That is too bad, because today I want to drive around the island to explore a little bit more and, of course, do some geocaching.
Breakfast at the hotel and the umbrella out and walking the 1.5 km to Gotlands Car Rental. I found them online, and they had reasonable prices for renting a car for one day. Everything was done online, so there was no more hassle and paper work to be filed to get the car. The key to this old VW Golf was in a key safe, which I opened with the code they send me by mail. Very easy. The car is old and even has an old CD player. But it is driving as it should, and that is all I need for today.
First thing is to fill up the car at a gas station, since it only comes with a half full tank. The next stop for me is the ferry to Farö in the north of the island. A drive of about 60 km (1 hour) to get the ferry. The ferry is free and only takes a few minutes until I arrive at the island.
Some more driving to get to Langhammarsgubben – Raukar. A rauk is a column-like landform in Sweden, often equivalent to a stack. Rauks often occur in groups called raukfält ‘rauk fields’. The limestone rauks of Gotland in the Baltic Sea are among the best known examples. (this is totally stolen from Wikipedia).

Parking the car in the parking lot and walking through the dunes to a Geocache. Then down on the beach and back to the stone formations on the beach. They are impressive and good objects to photograph. People like to climb on some of them. The wind is picking up a bit.
Driving back and doing some spontaneous turns at signs that sound interesting. That way I end up at Helgumannens Fishing Village, which also is very inviting for taking pictures. And several people do it. I like this “follow a random sign” exploring tourism. 🙂

It is starting to rain a little bit. I decide to Geocache my way back to the ferry, not always getting lucky and finding the cache, but I tried. Back to the ferry and over to the main island again. It would be boring to take the same route. The island is not too big, so nothing is really out of the way.

There are a few viking graves around the island and my plan is to visit one or two of them. On the way to my first, it starts raining quite heavily. The first is in a forest and the road there is rough to put it mildly. What the map did not tell is, that the road stops about 2 km walk from the parking area through the swamps. Not in this weather and all the flies/mosquitos around me. So back to the road and trying another one. Now it is raining. The second one is not better if you look at the road.
A little bit of a disappointment that it did not work out as planned. Yesterday it would have been great weather. But at least I got to see the city in sunlight.
Stopping at the shopping center to buy some stuff and a burger meal at Max before delivering back the car and walking to the hotel. I am wet and the best thing is to get a warm shower and fresh clothes.
Tomorrow I am on my way to Stockholm. The end of my trip is unfortunately getting closer.