Geocaching event – TElgs 40th birthday in Nelson, New Zealand

Wednesday, April 11 2018 My geocaching event was planned long before I went. When traveling far while I have my birthday why not getting some people gathered to talk geocaching and celebrate a little bit. The event is set to take place between 17:30 and 18:00. The first guest to arrive has actually bought a…

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900 Geocaches and Australia Day event

Sunday I went to the Australia Day event in Sunndalsøra, about 90 minutes drive east of where I live. Git a ride with another geocacher because I had no car this week. On the way we did some stops to find geocaches. As i own most of the caches, it was more like a maintenance…

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Geocaching 2018 – What is happening this year

2018 and I already started with my first geocache on January 1st to get the souvenir. But I think many did that. Many caches around are not accessible at the moment because of snow. Hoping to get sun and temperatures above zero soon. Last year I prepared quiet some caches for trails in Molde. I…

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My Geocaching Event in Hong Kong

My trip to Hong Kong comes closer and I will of course do some geocachig while sightseeing and exploring this unknown terrain. What better way to get some tips about the city and to meet som other geocachers than to start your own event while on holiday. That’s what I will do. The event was accepted…

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