When something goes wrong… just keep cool

Traveling home for the holidays. This time I booked a flight in the afternoon, so no early alarm clock or other annoying stuff. 🙂 Since I have two pieces of luggage, I opt for the taxi to the airport. Expensive, but much much easier. All three flights are operated by SAS and I should be…

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The Oxford Union

Just two days again until  leave for another short trip out of the country. Destination this time is Oxford in the UK. Been to Oxford in 2003 and don’t remember a thing (was only for 2 hours). Unfortunately, I will not be able to do a lot of sightseeing this time either. The trip is…

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A weekend in the Netherlands/Germany

Tomorrow morning I start my long weekend (Friday to Monday) visiting my parents in Germany. This time, I will fly from Molde to Oslo and from Oslo to Amsterdam. Of course SAS is my carrier. I have to get every EurobonusPoints I can for my big trip next year. First leg in Economy, second in…

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