December has started and time to fix all the travel plans for the next yer. Not, that I haven’t done that already. 🙂

Since I like to plan ahead, all trips for 2025 are planned and mostely booked. There were some sudden surprises, when I got a job offer that I just had to accept, but they were flexible with my already fixed planes.

Of course I travel home for the holidays and over New Year, but then it start, I think it is most easy to give a list over all the trips I will do.

JanuaryOslo, Norway
FebuaryValetta, Malta
AprilDortmund, Germany
MayPrague, Czech Republic
JuneMunich, Germany
AugustSeattle, USA
Portland, USA
Calgary, Canada
Denver, USA
OctoberEssen, Germay
DecemberDortmund, Germany

There is allways room for some weekend trips in Norway, but the new job messed uo my calculation and I will start knowing, that I have to work 7 days extra to stay in my allowance. But that should not be a problem.

This includes everything from visiting family, Geocaching, just holidays (especially Malta, which was possible because of 5 days overtime I have to remove before ending my job). Malta might also include a daytrip to Sicily, Italy.

There will be some more blogs in the future. I am also on doing some more videos from traveling or about traveling. I have to se, what I manage to do.

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