Happy New Year 2022 everybody.
I have to admit, that I wasn’t to good in updating my blog in 2021. I didnt’t think I had a lot to write about. But there were some trips anyway.
- Stockholm
- Riga
- Germany
- Kirkenes
- Bodø/Northen Railroad
- Hurtigruten Tromsø-Molde
Maybe I will write a summary about some of the trips, but it may also be that I concentrate on what is to come and what is planned for 2022?
Trips planned in 2022
I have planned and booked a few trips. All of them in a way that I can cancel the trip at any time – the times are still a little bit uncertain. It is a good mixture of traveling and geocaching and meeting people. Now with the booster shot done, I hope that it gets more easy for me to cross country borders. So here is the list which might be updated throughout the year:
- Ålesund (01/2022 – weekend trip)
- Trondheim (02/2022 – weekend trip)
- Tallin, Estonia (02/2022 – weekend trip)
- Bergen (03/2022 – weekend trip)
- Oslo (03/2022 – weekend trip)
- Stockholm, Sweden (04/2022 – family week)
- Rome, Italy (04/2022 – directly from Sweden, including San Marino and Vatican City)
- Prague, Czech Republic (05/2022 – weekend geocaching GIGA-event)
- Calagary, Canada (08/2022 – week meeting a geocaching friend and a short stopover at New York on the way back) – Backup for this is Spain/Portugal, shoiuld travel not be possible!
- Germany (09/2022 – Geocaching event close to home – MAYBE)
- Hamburg (visiting a friend – no date chosen)
Other plans
- Getting up to 3000+ finds
- 4 new countires
- 1 MEGA and 1 GIGA event
- filling my matrix with dates of found caches
- organizing some events while traveling
- Finishing Trønderlag county or continuing another one for the all municipality challenge
- Keeo my friend Hagen at a “distance”
- Making some more travel videos for my YouTube channel (Travelelg)
- Keeping my Gold status for my hotel chain
- Keeping silver status at SAS Eurobonus
- Collect as many Eurobonus points as possible
- Travel as much as possible (local, national and international)
- Making some videos for my gaming channel (TElg78)
A lot of thiongs to do. So lets get the party started!